... alseis f alséis de Black 517 Alseis eggersii Standl. Rubiaceae NW MW South America (Ecuador: Coast, Pastaza; Peru ... floribunda Schott Rubiaceae MC ME SC SE South America (Brazil: Maranhão and Ceará to Santa Catarina; Bolivia) S ...
... Flowers small or of medium size , white , arranged in terminal panicles ... ALSEIS Schott ; Spreng . Syst . 42 : 404 . 1827 . Trees or shrubs , more or ... floribunda Schott . 1. Alseis Blackiana Hemsl . Diag . Pl . Nov. PART 2 ...
... Alseis floribunda Schott , but has the corolla gla- brous outside , the style glabrous , and the branchlets not pubescent . As already noted by K. Schumann , the aestivation in Alseis is open , not val- vate as described by Bentham and ...
... [ Alseis floribunda . ) ( In his Atakta bo- tanica , pl . 33. 1833. ) Hemsley , W. B. [ Alseis Blackiana . ] ( In his Diagnoses plan- tarum novarum mexicanarum p . 30. 1878-80 . Also in his Biologia centrali - americana . Botany , II ...
... Alseis floribunda Schott , but has the corolla gla- brous outside , the style glabrous , and the branchlets not ... flowers are all her- maphrodite and similar , not dimorphous and monoecious as described by Ben- tham and Hooker ...
... [ Alseis floribunda . ] ( In his Atakta bo- tanica , pl . 33. 1833. ) Hemsley , W. B. [ Alseis Blackiana . ] ( In his Diagnoses plan- mexicanarum tarum novarum p . 30. 1878-80 . Also in his Biologia centrali - americana . Botany , II ...
... Alseis floribunda Schott , but has the corolla gla- brous outside , the style glabrous , and the branchlets not pubescent . As already noted by K. Schumann , ' the aestivation in Alseis is open , not val- vate as described by Bentham ...