[House Hearing, 108 Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] THE SPECTRUM NEEDS OF OUR NATION'S FIRST RESPONDERS ...
Jun 11, 2003 ˇ I would like to discuss the spectrum needs of our nation's first responders and, in particular, the need for Congress to adopt a firm date ...
... and Commerce. THE SPECTRUM NEEDS OF OUR NATION'S FIRST RESPONDERS. Date(s) Held: 2003-06-11. 108th Congress, 1st Session. GPO Document Source: CHRG-108hhrg88424
Jun 11, 2003 ˇ I would like to discuss the spectrum needs of our nation's first responders and, in particular, the need for Congress to adopt a firm date ...
House Hearing, 108th Congress: The Spectrum Needs of Our Nation's First Responders [U. S. Government Printing Office (Gpo)] on
The spectrum needs of our nation's first responders [microform] : hearing before the Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet of the Committee on ...
The Spectrum Needs of Our Nation's First Responders. Subcommittee on Telecommunications and the Internet June 11, 2003 11:00 AM
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(2004); The Spectrum Needs of Our Nation's First Responders Before the. Subcomm. on Telecommunications and the Internet of the House Comm. on Energy ...
(2004); The Spectrum Needs of Our Nation's First Responders Before the. Subcomm. on Telecommunications and the Internet of the House Comm. on Energy ...
... U.S. Government Online Bookstore: Locate and ... The spectrum needs of our nation's first responders . — 2003. iii, 102 p ...