Acts of the Parliament of Canada = Lois du Parlement du Canada.: YX2-PDF. This compilation contains the year's legislation and related parliamentary ...
Acts of the Parliament of Canada.: YX2. Cover image. This compilation contains the year's legislation and related parliamentary materials and information.
Acts of the Parliament of Canada = Lois du Parlement du Canada.: YX2-PDF. Ce recueil renferme les lois adoptées ainsi que le matériel et l'information ...
Acts of the Parliament of Canada : YX2-2006 ... This two-volume compilation contains the year's legislation and related parliamentary materials and information.
Browse publications. Acts of the Parliament of Canada, 1997 : YX3-1997. Permanent link to this Catalogue record: MARC ...
Acts of the Parliament of Canada passed in the year 2000 : YX2-2000. Two volumes containing the Acts passed in parliament in the year 2000.
Browse publications. Acts of the Parliament of Canada, 1998 : YX3-1998. Permanent link to this Catalogue record: MARC ...
The Acts of the Parliament of Canada and of the Legislature of Quebec shall be printed and published in both those Languages. (67). (67) A similar provision ...
Acts of the Parliament of Canada passed in the year 1997 : during the forty-fifth and forty-sixth years of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Acts of the Parliament of Canada passed in the year 1996 : during the forty-fourth and forty-fifth years of the Reign of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.