Prince George may be third in line for the throne of the United Kingdom, but that doesn't mean that he has been deprived of the hallmark normalcies of a run-of-the-mill childhood. One such example: the eldest of Prince William and Kate Middleton's children reportedly has a nickname at school.

George, who is 5 years old, currently attends Thomas's Battersea, a school in south London, where he is more than halfway through "year 1." Naturally, his classmates at the co-ed school have given him a cute moniker to go by. A parent of a fellow student at Thomas's Battersea recently told Vanity Fair that not only is George very happy at school, but that his friends also call him "P.G."

"He's very popular and has a lot of friends, and there's very little fuss made about who he is," the parent explained.

Another lovely tidbit: Prince George is dropped off at school by either Prince William or Kate, who are said to be very friendly with the other parents. According to Vanity Fair, among Prince George's troupe of buddies is his royal cousin and classmate Maud Windsor, who is the daughter of Lord Freddie Windsor and Sophie Winkleman.

Princess Charlotte, who turns 4 in May, is likely to join her older brother at Thomas's Battersea in September of this year. Given that Charlotte is just as adorable as her older brother, it is only reasonable to expect that she too will garner a nickname during her time at the prestigious school. In fact, her mother already refers to her as "poppet."

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Roxanne Adamiyatt
Deputy Digital Lifestyle Director

As the deputy digital lifestyle director at Town & Country, Roxanne Adamiyatt covers fashion, beauty, wellness, design and travel.