The Irish-based ROQU Group has announced the pilot launch of Health Passport Ireland, a world-first digital platform designed to facilitate increased COVID-19 testing for businesses and the public.

Engineered in Ireland, the platform combines the latest digital technologies with accurate and validated COVID-19 testing solutions, which can deliver results in as little as 15 minutes.

The digital platform is a big step towards helping businesses and individuals to quickly minimise risks related to COVID-19 and ensure they can continue daily activities. The system has been designed to work will all official COVID-19 test types.

Health Passport Ireland is launching with a trial involving a select range of national participants including Tallaght University Hospital, Oaklodge Nursing Home, Emerald Freight, Keogh’s Farm, Home Music Festival, a county Meath based crèche and more.

ROQU Group-Supporting businesses, protecting communities.

The platform has been developed to help the Irish economy by helping businesses to remain open through continuous proactive testing, identifying positive results at the earliest stage whilst simultaneously protecting communities by offering increased testing.

“In the past week alone, unfortunately, we’ve seen continued frustration and disappointment as restrictions have again been tightened due to continued spread of COVID-19,” said Robert Quirke, President and CEO of ROQU Group, at today’s launch.

“Health Passport Ireland is designed to put a safety net in place where none currently exists, allowing our economy to recover and thrive in a more safely controlled environment,” said Mr Quirke.

“It is a world-first innovation, proudly engineered in Ireland to the highest standards, that will enable business and society to finally move forward. The game-changer has finally arrived.”

Health Passport Ireland has been developed specifically to work in harmony with all official COVID-19 tests, including HSE tests, laboratory swab and blood tests, and the very latest rapid testing solutions soon to be launched.

“Using our global visibility, we are helping local companies by making the best COVID-19 testing solutions readily available to all,” said ROQU’s Robert Quirke.

“We are not favouring one type of test over another, however as testing and research continues to improve, we want to ensure that Irish society and economy can easily access testing solutions that offer the highest levels of clinical validation, whilst utilising the latest mobile technologies.”

ROQU Group: Trial launch across a variety of business scenarios.

“The purpose of the pilot trial is to demonstrate how Health Passport Ireland works across a variety of real-life business and social scenarios,” he added.

One of the trial participants is Oaklodge Nursing Home in Cork, whose Proprietor, Diarmuid O’Dailigh has welcomed the trial launch of Health Passport Ireland:

“We have rigorously followed the guidelines and implemented all possible safety measures to protect our residents and staff, but normal life as we knew it came to an end months ago.

Until there is a vaccine, the only solution is to test and keep testing everyone, so we can immediately isolate any positive cases while others are able to carry on their daily activities.

“As soon as we heard about Health Passport Ireland, we immediately asked to be involved. It will allow us to take control and proactively monitor our staff, residents, and visitors’ health status, and we are looking forward to taking part in the pilot launch.”

Amid calls for increased testing for the public, ROQU says that newly engineered rapid tests could provide a solution needed to stop the spread of the virus. Where no testing solution is already in place, Health Passport Ireland can provide the very latest rapid antigen swab tests and antibody blood tests, which deliver results in less than 15 minutes. The testing solutions are engineered, manufactured, and clinically validated in Europe.

Current situation is not sustainable.

“We are all aware that the current situation regarding viral outbreaks in businesses and communities is simply not sustainable,” said Robert Quirke. “There are too many gaps in the current system that are hindering our ability to get the economy and normal life back on track. It is time to immediately close those gaps.”

“This platform provides the breakthrough we have been waiting for and can become the standard solution for business, travel, education, healthcare, events, and all aspects of daily life,” said Mr. Quirke. “Every person on the Health Passport Ireland platform can now represent one life and one job-protected.”

ROQU Group has announced that, in addition to Ireland, the Health Passport platform will be launched in the US, UK, Italy, Kenya and Germany, with other locations to follow. Health Passport Ireland has been developed as part of ROQU’s international altruistic mission.

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