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Protesters clash at Queensland University
China’s consul-general in Brisbane, Xu Jie, praised protesters ‘spontaneous patriotic behaviour’ over this clash at Queensland University. Xu remains an adjunct professor at the university Composite: Twitter/ @nilssonjones_
China’s consul-general in Brisbane, Xu Jie, praised protesters ‘spontaneous patriotic behaviour’ over this clash at Queensland University. Xu remains an adjunct professor at the university Composite: Twitter/ @nilssonjones_

University of Queensland to ban foreign diplomats from gaining honorary positions

This article is more than 4 years old

Exclusive: Decision comes after controversial comments from China’s consul-general over violent clashes at university

The University of Queensland has banned foreign diplomats from being awarded honorary academic positions, after comments by a senior Chinese official who praised the “spontaneous patriotic behaviour” of pro-Beijing protesters involved in a campus brawl last year.

The university’s chancellor, Peter Varghese, told Guardian Australia the controversial statement released in June last year by China’s consul-general in Brisbane, Xu Jie, was “unacceptable” and would have breached its code of conduct.

Xu remains an adjunct professor at the university. The belated condemnation of Xu is the first time a university official has made direct criticism of the diplomat since counter-protesters crashed a Hong Kong democracy rally 11 months ago, resulting in violent clashes on campus.

The university is facing renewed scrutiny and criticism of its relationships with China.

One of the students attacked during the June protest, Drew Pavlou, now faces possible expulsion from the university in relation to his often satirical and provocative activism, which is focused on the Chinese government, its human rights record and the suppression of democracy in Hong Kong.

Pavlou’s disciplinary hearing has gained significant international attention and widespread criticism of the university. He claims the process is motivated by his outspoken activism and attempts to silence him. UQ insists the matter relates to complaints received and is not politically or financially motivated.

Varghese told the Guardian the university could not comment on that process, but that people should wait until it had concluded “before jumping to conclusions”.

He said he supported the view of the Australian foreign minister, Marise Payne, who responded to Xu’s comments by warning diplomats not to interfere in the exercise of free speech.

“The university fully supports the right of students to demonstrate against what’s happening in Hong Kong,” Varghese said.

“I share the foreign minister’s view that the comments by the consul-general were unacceptable. And having spent a long time in Australian diplomacy I don’t think diplomatic representatives ought to interfere in domestic issues in the way that statement did. I thought the foreign minister’s statements were quite appropriate.

“We have no interest in endorsing violent protest, quite the contrary. It’s something that would be contrary to our code of conduct.”

It is understood the university’s code of conduct would only allow it to take disciplinary action against Xu if his comments had been made in his professorial role, rather than as a diplomat.

Varghese said it was important for Australian universities to remain true to their “foundational values”, including “academic freedom, freedom of speech, rights to peaceful protest”.

“It’s important universities don’t compromise those values. At the end of the day, students who come to Australia to study are coming to a liberal democracy to study in. They should not be in any way surprised in any way how a liberal democracy operates.

“I don’t see any evidence that discussion of human rights issues vis-a-vis China is somehow silenced or sort of muted in Australian campuses.”

Varghese said the institution had revised its position in relation to offering honorary roles to foreign officials.

“The practice [of honorary professorships] has gone back many years,” he said. “I hadn’t been aware of that practice myself. I don’t think it’s appropriate for senior foreign government officials to be awarded honorary professorships and we will no longer offer honorary professorships to any serving foreign government official.”

The Chinese consulate in Brisbane did not respond to a request for comment.

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