Kristen Stewart on Robert Pattinson: “You Knew Nothing About My Relationship Before. You Know Less Now”

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Earlier this week we watched as Kristen Stewart, in the throes of her press tour forThe Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn—Part 2, coolly rebuffed a question about her personal life presented to her by a firing squad of Today Show anchors. “I’m just going to let people watch whatever little movie they think our lives are and go for it,” Stewart answered, instead of confirming or denying whether she and co-star Robert Pattinson were back together. “Keep them guessing, I always say.” Two days later, in a piece published in the L.A. Times, Stewart reiterated the thought during a tandem interview with Twilight author Stephenie Meyer. “People are just going to write the movie version of your life and consume it the way they please,” she told the paper. “I get the inclination to be entertained by that as well, so go for it. Have at it. Take it. Take it.” Perhaps addressing prying interviewers, Stewart then added a kicker: “But you knew nothing about my relationship before. You know less now. How could you?”

Stewart hasn’t been the only member of the reported relationship bombarded with intimate questions. When Todayanchor Savannah Guthrie asked Robert Pattinson about the romance on Thursday, the actor responded, “I want to ask, because we get asked it all the time. Who is actually asking? Is it in your contract?” (UpdatedToday Robsten-Confirmation Score: 0 for 2.)

Breaking Dawn—Part 2 opens in the U.S. on November 16—for the sake of Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson, hopefully the same day that the media’s relationship-confirmation offensive ends.