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Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows Navy pier Chicago Illinois

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Although I could not get actual dimensions on this window, looking at the photo of where it was installed, it looks to be at least 8 ft. tall.
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I love stained glass, but always felt a bit daunted by them in a puzzle...glad I tried this one, Might even try another - they're all so beautiful!

Such amazing talent. Thank you for sharing this beautiful piece with us. E


Unfortunately, the Smith Museum seems to be closed with the collection stored or scattered.


There is a wonderful small museum in Winter Park, FL (near Orlando) which houses the largest collection of Tiffany works anywhere. The Charles Hosmer Morse Museum of American Art has a quite a few windows as well as lamps, jewelry. It is well worth visiting.


Here you can see 87 photos from the museum -


Ditto on the comments below. Can you imagine how long it took to do this. Incredible! dj


I'm with RebeccaB I wasn't aware of a stained glass window museum either. TFP ~ Cydi


I had no idea there was a stained glass window museum! Will definitely have to check that out online, thanks! This is gorgeous!

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