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jasmine phoenix pearls

based on 3323 reviews
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makes 5 cups
64¢ per cup
35¢ per cup
12 single-serve
15 full leaf pyramids
Jasmine Phoenix Pearls are perfumy, hand-rolled jewels of tea from Fuding, in Fujian province, China. Any fan of jasmine tea should try this specially crafted wonder. When added to hot water, Jasmine Phoenix Pearls majestically unfurl, releasing their delicate scent and flavor. Also known as 'Jasmine Dragon Pearls', their liquor is sweet and almost sugary. Very soft, airy mouthfeel. The delicate quality of the flavor is due in part to the leaves used to produce this tea: two tender, tiny new leaves and one plump unopened leaf bud. Younger leaves will yield softer flavor.
Green Tea | Moderate caffeine | Steep at 195° for 2-3 mins
Tea Timer

Customer Reviews (3323)


Our teabags contain the same high-quality tea as our loose-tea offerings. Their pyramid shape gives the leaves plenty of room to unfurl and infuse, placing more flavor in each cup. Enjoy the superior flavor of gourmet tea with the convenience of a disposable bag.
15 full leaf pyramids

Fresh Portions

tea portions pouch
jasmine phoenix pearls
Simplify your preparation of loose tea with our "portion" packets. Each holds the right amount of leaves for one serving to enjoy at home, work or on the go. Simply rip, pour and steep, with nothing to measure or clean. Includes 12 servings.
12 single-serve


In mythology, the phoenix is a bird that dies in fire only to rise again from its ashes. Closely related to the idea of renewal or regeneration, it has inspired and influenced countless stories since its ancient legends, including Harry Potter, which features both the Order of the Phoenix and the phoenix character Fawkes, and X-Men, which boasts the famous Phoenix character (a cosmic force frequently associated with telepath Jean Grey) and the Dark Phoenix arc. We can't promise any super powers from our tea, but we do think you'll feel pretty super taking a sip.

Raw Honey for Green Teas

tea honey
Soft floral notes of this raw honey pair deliciously with the lively, fresh character of green and white teas.
honey for green tea

Part of jasmine teas sampler

sampler set
Explore a variety of teas with our popular sampler set. Four teas included are: jasmine chun hao, jasmine phoenix pearls, jasmine silver needle, jasmine yin hao
jasmine teas
will make 35 cups

Treat Yourself to a Higher Grade

Savor the exquisite aroma and rich flavor of our fujian jasmine pearl tea.

makes 10 cups
77¢ per cup

Questions and Answers

Ask a question about dragon pearl and have the Adagio Teas community offer feedback.

Can I use the pearls in a travel mug like a tea bag? Or are they specifically for a teapot?
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Asked by Yvonne County
on July 12th, 2017
How is this tea scented? By this I mean is the tea scented from jasmine flowers or are there oils, extracts or other natural or artificial scenting agents that are added to the tea to achieve the jasmine scent?
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Asked by Evan Fletcher
on February 28th, 2021
How would you suggest brewing iced jasmine tea?
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Asked by Lauren McCabe
on September 14th, 2019

Direct Trade Advantage

We import directly from the artisan farmers whose names and faces you'll find throughout our website. This makes our products fresher than those offered by the companies who use middlemen and brokers, and also less expensive. Here's a comparison of how much more you'd be paying by buying this elsewhere:

62% more expensive
David's Tea:
60% more expensive

Meet our jasmine phoenix pearls farmer, Lin Chui Feng

To ensure the best quality and value, we import our teas directly from the countries in which they are grown, working closely with the farmers who tender them. Our Roots Campaign connects our customers with the rich stories and the farmers behind some of our most popular teas.

How long have you been growing tea?
62 years
What got you started in the tea industry?
It is a family business. We live in the tea mountain area for many generations. I began to do some simply tea work since I was 10. When I was 16, I began to work formally for tea growing and production.
Can you describe a typical day out in the field? How many hours would that be?
I go to pick up the tea leaves in early morning at 5-6am and go back home around 6pm. Tea mountain is a wild and big area, we need to climb the mountain and need long walking. After picking we need to go to the factory to do some producing. Some times we have to work in the evening if necessary. Normally I will work 10-11 hours a day.
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