Calendar Girl: Julie London for July

July is known for its scorching temperatures, so it’s only fitting Julie London brings the heat with her smokey vocals on “Sleigh Ride in July.” Not sure why she’s sleigh riding in July, but I’d listen to her sing about making hot apple cider in the middle of a heatwave, so who cares?

I found this on a music website: “Julie London was a unique phenomenon. For so many who lived through the late 50s she remains an iconic image of enticing womanhood, with a smoky voice that could persuade any man to ‘Cry Me A River.’” Those are facts, kids. Her delivery of lines like “Just a sleigh ride on a balmy summer eve” is so evocative, so intimate, that we feel as if she’s sitting next to us, singing in our ears. One of the great benefits of doing this monthly series on her Calendar Girl album has been simply taking the time to luxuriate in that voice. She’s always so soothing to listen to. Selfishly, I’d like to continue doing Julie London posts forever, just to have a set dedicated reason to listen to her music!

In all honesty, it’s also quite nice to have a reason to look at her album covers and other assorted photos. July’s pinup is a summer scorcher! In it, our sultry chanteuse is decked out in a smashingly patriotic outfit, consisting of an America flag top hat, star-spangled bra, and red and white striped hot pants. She’s plugging her ear in anticipation of the noise that large firecracker she’s gripping will soon produce. I don’t know what’s more explosive here, the firecracker or Julie London.

“Sleigh Ride in July”

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