
Where Whine Meets Wine

Coffee: You Can Sleep When You’re Dead

on February 27, 2012

I stayed up late last night. And it wasn’t to read a good book or have a good talk with a friend. No, it was scrubbing counters, floors, picking up countless odds and ends, organizing, and laundry. Doing all the things that never seem to get done on the day to day, or have a hard time getting them all done in the same day. When you live in a house full of the under 5 crowd (ok, so I guess it’s the just-turned-5 and under crowd now), sometimes it’s hard to stay on top of it all. Especially when two are boys. Boys who leave a wake of disaster and destruction. By the time I switched yet another load of laundry, picked up the last dinosaur, train, and strawberry shortcake figurine and actually climbed into bed, it was after 2am. There was a time when that wouldn’t have seemed so absurd but when you have little people that wake like a lightning bolt and don’t stop until 9pm… you come to value sleep in a way I’m not sure you can really understand, unless you’re a parent. I thought about texting hubbyman, asking him to grind some beans (I don’t know why but I hate that part of making coffee) and set the coffee pot for me. But I was so exhausted, and -of course- Littlest woke up as soon as I crawled into bed… so I just fell asleep to the thoughts If he really loved me, he’d prep and set the coffee pot for me. (It would definitely be further proof as this is something I don’t think he’s ever done before.)

Insert a noise that may have been a cross between the words, I hate the sunlight and a curse word in a language undeveloped (Or just really-tired-mama-speak) when I woke to find that MissE was in bed with me (who is about as lovely in the morning as her father…. and maybe her mama) and Littlest was wide awake and mad. And it was only 7. I could barely even keep my eyes open. I tried to coax them into cuddling and just laying quietly, but they were not havin’ it. I got them cereal, turned on a cartoon, and stood in front of the coffee pot, willing it to magically make itself. And then I noticed a green light on it. That was the timer light! Which means that he really does love me! 

(photo credit: Keeling Korner)

I still have more on my list of things to do today that I had high hopes of crossing off… but my Miss has just projectiled apples all over the living room. So I’m thinking this day may have other things in mind for us. Good thing my sweet hubbyman made enough for more than one cup of coffee. I’m gonna need it.

10 responses to “Coffee: You Can Sleep When You’re Dead

  1. Adrianna F says:

    That is a sign of true love for sure. Hold onto that one! lol

  2. Alyse says:

    Having someone prep coffee for me is my all time favorite thing. I even asked for it for my birthday last year. Nothing else, just coffee made. For whatever reason, making coffee is a lot of work when you’re barely half awake, and just taking that extra step out of your morning makes all the difference 🙂

    • Oh birthday! Great idea! Birthday, anniversary, valentine’s day… any day I can come up with an extra incentive! I can’t believe I didn’t think of this before. And I agree, somehow making coffee almost feels like more work than making breakfast!

  3. Very sweet. Who needs diamonds when you can have a hot pot of coffee waiting for you?

  4. I read that those who drink coffee retain better memory & brain function as they age….which means you’ll get to remember all this waaay longer than you’ll want to !

  5. Merit K says:

    Too funny- I just had this thought this morning and then I decided that if I really loved my husband I would set up the coffee for him- lol! Cute post and great to hear from a fellow coffee lover!

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