Musings from Misty

Hi everybody. Once again, real life kicked me in the arse, so I was out for awhile. What do I come back to? A whole shitload (and I might as well apologize right now for my mouth) of drama. And where did all this drama originate? Where else? X freaking 17. Imagine that. Whichever one of those stalkers posted a pic of Kristen supposedly all stressed out, having a long, drama-filled conversation on her phone, and he GUESSED she was talking to Rob. Guess this, Xfreaking17 – that picture wasn’t even TAKEN that day. The date was altered. It was taken last year – see Twilighter’s post on Justice for Kristen titled The Pattinson/Stewart Breakup: Three Critical Details – you can see for yourself that the date on that photo was altered. Why do something like that? Well, everyone remembers April, right? All the good-feel pics we got of Rob and Kristen out in public, at Coachella, just out and about, having fun with friends? Well guess what kids. Good feels don’t sell. And that’s why the paparazzi and tabloids had to switch up the game some. They weren’t getting the web hits they needed to pay the bills. And they did it so easily. All it took was ONE slime-ass paparazzo to alter some pics of Kristen looking unhappy, and bingo. The tabloids are back on top. Selling like crazy, collecting those clicks on their websites like the swampland in Florida sellers pieces of crap they are. Drama sells – happy doesn’t. Twitter timelines are batshit crazy. All because of that ONE X17 paparazzo.
Everyone remembers what Rob says about “castrating paparazzi”, right? Well, remember the pics of them at Coachella? He looked like he wanted to hit a few of them, didn’t he? I imagine all those stalkers HAS to get under your skin after awhile. How would YOU like it? Being stalked all the time? Both Rob and Kristen have movies starting soon – don’t you think they’d like a little down time, alone time, before their busy schedules start up again? In my humble opinion, Rob and Kristen decided to switch the game on them. Rob would duck the paparazzi as much as he could – and Kristen would go out and take all the heat from the papz. Has anyone noticed they do that for each other from time to time? When they came back from London after New Years, Kristen lured the paparazzi at JFK that day. Rob was on a separate flight, and slipped into LA unnoticed, on the same day. Kristen took the heat that time. And Rob’s done the same for her. I honestly think Rob is very tired of the papz all the time, but he stays in LA because that’s where his love is, that’s where Kristen is. Do you honestly think, as much as he despises the paparazzi, that he would stay in LA and leave Kristen? No. He’d be back in London with his family and friends. Other actors base themselves overseas – Rob could easily do the same.
There really is no need for all this drama. I believe in both of them. They are both very intelligent young adults, that have been through more bullshit at their ages than most people live through in an entire lifetime. They’ll do whatever is right for THEM. They don’t owe us anything except a good performance in their movies. I absolutely believe they’re still together, but if they’re not, IT’S NONE OF MY BUSINESS! I admire both of them tremendously, and love their love. But if they’re having issues, don’t you think they deserve our respect, some space from all the bullshit that’s Hollywood? Put yourself in their shoes. How do YOU feel when someone butts their nose into your private issues with your significant other? Not very happy about it, I’m sure. Now imagine this entire Twilight fandom butting their noses into their business. One of their friends, CJ, had to delete his twitter account, or suspended it himself for awhile. There were so many Rob and Kristen “fans” and “haters” commenting on his instagram, and tweeting him, that he finally had enough. And I don’t blame him. Their other friends on twitter and instagram might be next. They get the same amount of comments from Rob and Kristen “fans” as CJ did. Seriously, is that any way to treat someone your a fan of? Harass their friends for information that is none of your business? They give so much of themselves to us already. April was a gift to us. Let us take it as a gift, and leave them alone now. And PLEASE stop all this unneeded drama. It’s really stupid, if you think about it, especially considering the “source”. Only this source has a name – Xfreaking17.
Alright – rant over. Thanks for reading – and please just peace out. There’s real drama we can get excited over – and that’s coming up next. The Paparazzi Reform Initiative needs our help. This is for real work that we can all chip in and help on. Productive ways to stop all this needless drama. That’s coming up next! Thanks for letting me vent – I needed it! Peace out, Misty

Oh the Rob & Kristen BS Just Keeps Coming and Coming Part 3

by twilighter

    “So mark my words.  And don’t be surprised the next time you see Kristen coming out of Los Feliz 1 on Aberdeen.  And don’t be surprised when she is behind the wheel of the Mini Cooper again.”

I managed to take a cell-phone free, non-internet access, extended Memorial Day weekend away and I have to admit it felt good.  Kind of like that special feeling you get when you know that no matter how many people are out there worrying about what you are doing, where you are doing it, and whom you are doing it with, they really don’t have a frickin clue.  When you are so under the radar(online), that nary a paparazzi, or a tabloid, or a gossiping neighbor  has a clue as to what is really going on. Ah …, it must be a really good feeling, one that Rob & Kristen enjoy virtually every day.

But, the world marches on, and I eventually had to come back from the wilderness to the unreality of all that is going on in the so-called Kristen Stewart “cheating scandal”, and its latest twist, the Rob and Kristen Breakup, Part  ___ (fill in the blank with a number from 10-100 here). And no breakup story is complete without dozens of BS tabloids stories to tell the tale.  As in fairy tales, a type of short story that typically features folkloric fantasy characters such as fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, dwarves, giants, mermaids, or gnomes, and usually magic or enchantments.  A story as in fiction, not to be confused with reality.

As I have said many times before, never have two people been subjected to more continuous false reporting, false tweeting, and general BS than these two. So lets take a look at the highlights of the BS since I slipped out of town such a short time ago.  There isn’t enough time in this life to review all of it.

Let’s start with the “Rob Dumped Kristen and Moved Out of Her House” story, although there is an alternative version of this fairy tale that is called the  “Kristen Dumped Rob and Kicked Him Out of Her House” story.  Why did this happen?  If you read any number of  tabloids you could variously believe that it happened because: 1). Rob ditched out on his own birthday party, pissing Kristen off; 2). Rob miraculously and conveniently discovered a text from Rupert on Kristen’s cellphone while she was in the shower, pissing him off;  3). Rob couldn’t get over the fabricated “cheating scandal, something he has tried to do for almost ten months with Job-like patience; 4). Rob stepped out with Katy Perry, an unknown blond, or an unknown female to be named later, pissing Kristen off; 5). Kristen stepped out in a lesbian relationship with Tamra Natasin, pissing Rob off; or 6). Kristen was just too clingy, pissing Rob off. Blah, blah, blah.  All based on unnamed, unidentified sources.  Including even a fresh account from People Magazine based on two contradictory tweets that was printed, pulled, and replaced with yet another story claiming so-called sources who as usual remain unnamed. ( the  Rob & Katy Perry at the San Ysidro Ranch wedding rehearsal story).

Where do all these stories have their roots?  Yes, the Xonline17 story of April 23rd.  You remember that one don’t you?. The one where Rupert Sanders suddenly takes a job as a valet at a restaurant in LA.  Followed by the Rob Moves Out of/Is Kicked Out of Kristen’s house story.  The 65 Million Man Moving All of His Worldly Belongings in a Pickup Truck tale.  As is evidenced by him driving in a truck with some stuff in the back, including both of the dogs and both of their bikes. Going into his house on Aberdeen in Los Feliz.  Oh yeah, that’s the place that all the tabloids assured us he was selling back in August of 2012.  Funny how that never seemed to happen isn’t it?

And remember, don’t let the tabloid crap slide, this was the house he couldn’t stand to stay in because all of the “bad memories” associated with it.  And yet here he is again.  Isn’t that amazing. So much for the tabloid tripe. I don’t want to rub it in any one’s face but I blogged nearly nine  months ago that he wasn’t selling the house, and when I was in LA in September, the house looked very much occupied down to the garbage being taken out and the paper being delivered.

I have already emasculated some of this garbage in a prior post, The Pattinson/Stewart Breakup: Three Important Details at located elsewhere on this site. But now let’s look at this weekend’s garbage.  Here are my two personal favorites.

Story #1

Moving Truck at Los Feliz 2

Moving Truck at Los Feliz 2

This one is too good to be true, combining all of our personal favorites: staring unnamed, unidentified sources, penned by Eleanor ( the Unbelievable) Hutch, Butch, Bitch (sorry, I couldn’t resist), and with photos provided by that venerable journalistic wonder  Isn’t that special.  Note the caption, “a moving truck is seen leaving Kristen’s house on May 23, 2013.”

Only problem is, it isn’t leaving Kristen’s house at all. That’s a TOTAL FABRICATION. Its entering a gated community of  over a hundred houses in the Laufflin Hills subdivision, one of which just happens to be Kristen’s.  There is absolutely no evidence that the truck even went to Kristen’s house, let alone ended up at Los Feliz 1.  If it did, why haven’t we seen the photos of that since there are only two ways in and out of Aberdeen.

As usual Hutch is the epitome of clarity. From her article and I quote:

“Nothing tells a girl you’re done with a relationship like a moving truck in the driveway!  A truck was spotted leaving Kristen Stewart’s house on May 23rd, presumably containing all of Robert’s stuff.”

And later in the article,

“Twihards can begin weeping, because Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart appear to really be over.  On May 23, a moving truck was seen leaving Kristen’s Los Feliz home, and it was likely full of Rob’s stuff.”

So Eleanor, which is it: “presumably containing his stuff” or is it “likely full of his stuff.” Or are you simply full of it?  And do you think that just because you tell us twice that the truck is leaving Kristen’s house that we are supposed to believe it is? When your blessed photo doesn’t even establish that fact?  Kind of reminds me of this photo.  Remember it?

Moving Van purportedly leaving from Rob's Los Feliz estate on July 28th

Moving Van purportedly leaving from Rob’s Los Feliz estate on July 28th

Yeah, the one from last year in July that turns out was no where near Rob’s house, but was rather fabricated by the tabloids into a fake story to try to make people think there was a moving truck at Rob’s house.  See  for a refresher course on this lie.  What’s with the tabloids anyway, moving trucks, buying houses, and unknown blonds with boobs. They are so damn predictable.

Hutch’s article winds up with a regurgitation of the The Sun’s nonsense about the text in the shower, and a gratuitous “This is just so sad. We really wanted Rob and Kristen to make it work!”

Eleanor dear,  I think Bitch is a better name for you after all.  No Lying Bitch, now that’s perfect. But I do have to hand it to you. You didn’t go over the top and claim that Kristen supervised the moving truck as the DailyMail did today.  But watch out Bitch, your competitors are nipping at your heels.

Story #2


Story #2 includes the so-called smoking gun evidence of the mystery blond according to that journalistic paragon, the Daily Tripe (Mail) and its cited source, Radaronline. So this is the mystery blond that all the tweeters and tabloids have been writing (and lying) about. She’s an English playwright named Polly Stenham.

Per the article and citing Radaronline, it’s supposedly an Instagram picture of the pair showing “the talented 26 year old with her arm draped around Robert and another pal as they enjoyed a night out in NYC shortly before his shock split from Kristen.”  Posted by Rob’s musician friend Mathew Daniel Siskin, although it has mysteriously disappeared from his social networking site.

But there are actually four people in the photo not a pair.  And they fail to mention that the woman in the foreground is none other than Tamra Natasin, as in Katy Perry’s assistant, and Kristen’s purported lesbian love interest according to many other tabloids and tweeters. Polly is an acclaimed young English playwright who penned a play that happened to star Tom Sturridge in early 2013. Imagine that.  Sturridge who was on Broadway in NYC back in early May, when both Rob and Kristen came to see his play Orphans on separate dates.  Oh how the plot thickens.

And who exactly is taking the photo? None of those four obviously.  Kind of makes you wonder doesn’t it.  Is this actually from the night of the Met, which Tom & Sienna Miller, Katy Perry, and Kristen attended, and also the night when Rob and Kristen purportedly partied in NYC? Kind of explains why Tamra would be present, wouldn’t it.  Take a look at an earlier posted photo from the Robsessed website that appears to be from the same evening.

Photo posted earlier on

Photo posted earlier on and on instagram

If so, these photos were from about May 6, not “shortly before his shock split from Kristen”  on May19.  And yet the Daily Tripe jumps the gap and tries to turn Stenham into the mystery blond. Pathetic really.

So where are we as of Tuesday May 28th?  I’ll tell you where we are.   Repeat after me, never have two people been subjected to more continuous false reporting, false tweeting, and general BS than Rob and Kristen.  And tabloids + unnamed sources = BS every time.  The breakup story started based on a pile of bull that has only grown as more and more tabloids have piled on.  The pile may have gotten higher, but it still smells the same.

So mark my words.  And don’t be surprised the next time you see Kristen coming out of Los Feliz 1 on Aberdeen.  And don’t be surprised when she is behind the wheel of the Mini Cooper again.

The Top Three Most Patently Absurd Rob and Kristen Breakup Stories of the Last Forty Eight Hours.

by twilighter

Wow. The bull is flying fast and furious. Its almost impossible to keep up with this BS. But we can’t let the hysteria distract us from recognizing the truly over the top stories.  Those that are so unbelievable that you almost choke with laughter as you read them. So let’s give credit where credit is due. Here are my nominees for the most absurd Rob & Kristen Breakup Stories of the Last Forty-Eight Hours.

Story #1. Robert Pattinson Moves Out After Kristen’s Texts to Ex-Fling
Wednesday, 22nd May 2013 By GORDON SMART, Showbiz Editor, The Sun.

Story 1

Story 1

Talk about irony. This article from the British tabloid The Sun was penned by someone named Smart. Probably Maxwell Smart rather than Gordon. But I digress. Quoting an unnamed source in his brilliant piece of journalistic excellence Smart writes:

“Rob was looking at her phone on the morning of his birthday as he wanted to take a picture of something when she was in the shower.”

Yeah right, Rob doesn’t have a phone with a camera. Even though he seems to have that iphone in his hand almost continuously. Or was Rob was taking a picture of Kristen in the shower with her own phone? LOL.

Smart continues:

“Suddenly this message flashes up and it’s not what he wanted to see. He got straight up and left. Despite Kristen’s pleas, he told her not to come to his birthday party at a friend’s that night. He’s extremely angry and upset. No matter how many times she calls or texts, friends say he’s had enough. After everything that happened and the hurt she caused, he’s furious she’d be back in touch with him, even if she is saying it’s completely innocent,” a source tells The Sun.

Yeah right.  What unnamed friends are those Mr. Smart? I’m sure he told them all about so that they could call you “straight up.”  Rob picks up the phone and Rupert just happens to text at that very moment? How coincidental, how convenient for you!  And wham, that puts the kabash on the big birthday bash.  Thank you Mr. Smart for explaining everything to us! I bet your source is Agent 99.

Story #2. Kristen Stewart Races To Taylor Swift After Robert Pattinson Break Up
Tue, May 21, 2013 5:50pm EDT by Chloe Melas

Story 2

Story 2

Chloe Melas writes that “Kristen has found an unlikely friend in T-Swift. Perhaps they’re going to write a song about Rob together?”.  Unlikely Chloe?  Races to her?  The same woman who once told Ellen DeGeneres on national TV that “I think it’s just obnoxious if I complain about anything…,I hear people talk about like, ‘oh, the intrusions on my privacy.’ It’s like there are a million other jobs you could have had. And for me, I’ve just come to an acceptance of the fact, this is my life. If somebody wants to hide a relationship or has privacy issues then we don’t have the same viewpoint. For me, it’s just like live your life. If people happen to take picture then you know, you laugh about it in the car afterwards.”

Forgot about that one from 2011 Chloe?. Even though you wrote about it at the time? Really sounds like the kind of person Kristen is going “race” to see. And what’s with the racing.  I can just see Kristen racing across Hollywood just to see Taylor Swift. But why race, according to you they spent the whole afternoon together?

Chloe continues: “Kristen Stewart isn’t sitting at home anymore! In fact, she was spotted driving over to Taylor Swift‘s house on May 21 with a friend of hers. What on earth could they be up to? Taylor is the queen of break ups and if anyone has advice, it’s her.”

Yeah right. Relationship advice from a woman who goes through boyfriends more often than most women change their panties?  Please Chloe, you can fabricate shit better than that.

And then there is Chloe’s eventual reference to Taylor Lautner “maybe” being the one to suggest this to Kristen, in that they all “run in the same circles. What circles are those Chloe? The circles your mind runs in when you are trying to come up with a coherent thought? But, that is the way to get those webhits Chloe, all the fans: Kristen’s, Lautner’s,and Swift’s.

Chloe continues: “This is far better than Kristen sitting at home crying. It would be pretty good for Kristen to start hanging out with Taylor and Selena Gomez. All of these young women know a thing about break ups and how to get revenge on their men.”  But wait, Chloe, why is Kristen looking for revenge on Rob?  Shouldn’t it be the other way around?  Isn’t he the wronged party in your fantasy story? What’s the matter, are you are lost in your own fabrication?.  Perhaps? Maybe?

Story #3. Kristen Stewart & Robert Pattinson: How Rupert Sanders Caused Breakup
Thursday, May 23, 2013, 11:25am EDT, by Eleanore Hutch of Hollywood Life (Lies)

Story 3

Story 3

In an “exclusive story” Hutch of Hollywoood Lies finds out exactly what Rob found on Kristen’s phone when she was in the shower on the morning of his birthday.  That she had texted Rupert and told him that she wanted to work with him on the Snow White & The Huntsman sequel! Hmm, the editors over at Hollywood Lies and The Sun seem to have an unhealthy facination with the idea of Kristen in the shower!

Quoting from Hutch’s account:

“Our source said:

“Kristen wants Rupert Sanders to direct the second Snow White movie and Rob was flabbergasted that she would even want to work with him in any capacity after all that was done, adding that the texts he found just blew his mind that she would test him like that. She kept testing him over and over till he couldn’t handle it anymore.”

Yeah right. We are only fabbergasted that you expect anyone to believe this horse dung, especially from an unnamed, unidentified source talking to one of Britain’s most notorious lying tabloids. Good luck with that.

Hutch continues:
“It seems shocking that she would want to work with him again, let alone even be in contact with him.  And Rob may have left her and taken all his belongings — including their dogs — but the source believes they could still work things out.”

Shocking Eleanor? No, PATENTLY UNBELIEVABLE!  Kristen takes a shower and leaves her cellphone around for Rob to view it while she’s been texting Rupert? Rob just happens to find it because he wants to “take a picture of something?”  Yeah right. Like I said probably of Kristen in the shower.  And Kristen wants Rupert back to direct SWATH2 after all the trouble he so-calledly caused? And yet the “source” believes they can still work it all out?

Please Eleanor, don’t insult your readers. We know you made this BS up yourself.  That’s why you always hide behind an unnamed, unidentified source and why your information is unconfirmable.

So dear readers, cast your vote, name the winner. Who wrote the most absurd Rob and Kristen breakup story of the last forty-eight hours.

But if you don’t like these, have no fear.  I am certain that more are coming!  Bonnie Fuller is already writing about how Kristen needs to choose between Rob and Rupert!


Predicting Tabloid Garbage: Assessing Five Rob & Kristen Stories Waiting to Happen

by twilighter

Back on January 18, I pulled out my crystal ball and made few predictions for what BS stories we would inevitably hear from the celebrity gossip machine about Rob & Kristen between then and her birthday.  Given that it was Kristen’s birthday yesterday, it’s time to look back at the cow dung and see how I did.  Suffice to say, the celebrity gossip machine ran true to form.  They are always so predictable.

Back in January, I couldn’t  say with clarity what particular gossip rag (Hollywood Life, In Touch Magazine, Us Magazine, People Magazine, The Enquirer, Gossip Cop, The Mirror, etc, etc, etc) would break the fabricated offending stories, but that we could be sure of three things: 1). whomever did break one, it would be with unnamed, unidentified sources, 2.) the rest of the celebrity gossip machine would invariably re-report the story no matter how ridiculous, unsubstantiated, and obnoxious it was, and 3). there would millions of sheep out there in the blogsphere that would immediately believe it and go bah bah bah with the rest of the flock. And I gave you a big clue: Robert Pattinson’s trip to Australia to film Rover. Because every time Rob and Kristen are apart, some tabloid is going to take advantage of that fact to generate some BS.

So what stories did I predict would occur before Kristen’s birthday?

Story #1: It will be some version of how Kristen and Rubert Sanders have hooked up in Rob’s absence and how Kristen is continuing her cheating ways.  Perhaps in a car, maybe at a “romantic” overlook, or perhaps at her house.  The story will undoubtedly include old pictures of Rupert and Kristen, but will unlikely include new ones, as they would certainly be much more scrutinized this time than the last time.  And in spite of the lack of evidence to support the story, it will unleash a fresh wave of Kristen bashing and hatred in the blogsphere. And note, this fairytale is already actually in progress.

Did this BS story happen?  Sure did, multiple times. As I noted in January when I made these predictions, there were already unsubstantiated twitter claims at the time that Rupert and Kristen were seen together in Los Feliz.  And remember, virulent twitter chatter is a common source for tabloids to both start to fabricate and mine their BS story ideas.  As we have seen, anyone can go onto twitter and start some crap.

But Heat Magazine really got the bull rolling on this one on February 7th, by claiming that Kristen reached out to Rupert after Liberty Ross filed for divorce and Rob ended their relationship the previous month.  Via an unnamed, unidentified source.

“Kristen was feeling low – the lowest she’s ever felt – when Rob flew to Australia. She doesn’t have a huge circle of friends. Rob was the closest person to her. So, when he left, she reached out to Rupert to see if he was OK and suggested meeting for a coffee,” an insider purportedly told Heat Magazine.

“It seemed like Kristen was just blindly trying to do something to ease her pain. When Rob found out she’d contacted Rupert through a mutual friend, he was upset that Kristen would even go there. He wasn’t jealous, he was just incredulous. It seems like Kristen has no chance with him now.”

Heat continued, “Sanders was also said to be shocked by K-Stew’s actions, and decided not to meet up with her. It’s not thought that the 22-year-old was looking to reignite her romance with the 42-year-old film director, but was simply looking for someone to discuss her ongoing problems with.”

“Kristen feels helpless without Rob. The fact he has upped and left her has devastated her. She had thought she might be able to go to Australia for visits and keep their relationship going, but Rob found it difficult to trust her again and knew long distance would be too difficult.”

“Things had become irreparable. Kristen knew things were over between Rupert and Liberty too and it seemed like she just wanted to talk to someone who was going through the same thing as her,” the source added.

Yeah right, insert a cyber eye roll here. The funniest thing about this whole story was that even some of the other online tabloids had trouble keeping a straight face while regurgitating this story. For example see:–lonely-enough-to-reach-out-to-rupert-sanders–517666770 .

In Touch Magazine joined the fray shortly thereafter in a February 9 web account when they provocatively posed the question whether Robert’s departure could be a “recipe for disaster”. But they didn’t seem to be on the same page with Heat Magazine.  Citing an unnamed Rupert pal as a source, this unnamed pal claimed that “It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Kristen and Rupert got back in touch, and it would be Rupert who reached out. He was infatuated with her.”

By February 9, Hollywood Life also was in the game, relying on their own unnamed “source close to Kristen”. Their source claimed that Kristen had not contacted Rupert at all as far as they knew since Kristen had “made a commitment to Rob that Rupert would no longer be a part of her life”.

As usual all the rest of the celebrity gossip machine jumped in, complete with re-reportings of all the nonsense, and Gossip Cop debunkings, all resulting in a continuous debate about whether she had or had not contacted him, or he had or had not tried to contact her, and whether they had actually met or not. And in spite of a complete lack of credible evidence for any of it, the stories fueled the typical Kristen bashing across the blogsphere. All you have to do is examine the comment threads to any of these ridiculous stories to see what I mean.

But have no fear, by February 28, Radaronline was reporting in a web article that Rupert had actually attempted to reach out but Kristen “doesn’t want anything to do with him,” again via, you guessed it, an unnamed unidentified source. This source claimed Rupert “texted her a number of times, however Kristen didn’t respond.” Continuing, the source claimed that “In truth, she regrets ever getting involved with Rupert, because of how much it hurt Robert and the amount of public backlash she was subjected to. Kristen doesn’t really know what’s going on with her and Robert at the moment, and she’s been left in limbo. Ideally, she would like things to go back to how they once were, but that’s proving a lot more difficult than she imagined. But when it comes to Rupert, that ship has sailed,” the source revealed.

Awe, how cute.  Complete with a Twilight literary reference. Insert another cyber eye roll here.

Story #2.  It will some version of Rob is out (probably at some wateringhole) with another mystery woman (probably a blond)(probably has big tits) and with whom he is having a (probably a romantic) wonderful evening.  There may or may not be equivocal photos to go along with the story. And again despite the lack of evidence to support it, it will unleash a fresh wave of Kristen bashing and hatred and assertions that she deserves it and how great it is that Rob has moved on to a new love.

Oh this one was just too easy to predict and of course the celebrity gossip machine delivered BS in spades.  Starting within five days of my prediction.

Rob had barely landed in Australia before the “blond bimbo” rumors started.  He was pictured with some Aussie girls at the airport on January 17th in a Hollywood Life account that was released on January 23rd.  The five girls pictured with him included three blondes, a two brunettes and a red head. But despite the fanfare, this was clearly just a fan pic.

The next one started with a January 27th Hollywood Life story headline claiming that Rob was Hanging with a Sexy Blond At A Music Festival in Adelaide, Australia. Included was a fan pic of Rob and a young woman the caption identified as a “mystery blond.”  Despite the fact that the accompanying article identified the “mystery” woman as Alexandra Warner (no mystery there) and that she along with a couple other people had some fan pictures taken with Rob at the concert. This story took a later odd turn when Ms. Warner tweeted that Rob was stoned. In reality, they were no more hanging together than were Rob and all the rest of the people at the music festival.  But why let the facts get in the way of a sleezy headline?  Then again, I am surprised it didn’t read Rob Hangs with Dozens of Sexy Blonds at a Music Festival.

But like someone suffering from bulimia, Hollywood Life couldn’t stop itself.  In a February 5th account, Robert Pattinson Hangs Out With Cute Blonde Fans in Australia, Rob was once again “hanging out”  with “cute’ (translation:buxom) blonde fans, complete with an accompanying photo. If “hanging out” that is means taking a picture, signing a dvd, an iphone cover, and “one of the girl’s arms” for a few minutes while he tried to have a smoke.

But don’t get the idea that Hollywood Life was alone. Oh no!  Maurice Cassidy of that venerable journalistic paragon, Celebrity Dirty Stinking Laundry (yes we have featured them before in other articles on this blog) took the same story and led it with the following line: “Robert Pattinson has no plans on keeping it in his pants anytime soon, because this time he’s been spotted with TWO new girls who both happen to be blonds (again) and give us that facial expression of ‘ooh, that was good’—it doesn’t take a smart guy to figure out why the two hot blonds…have such big grins on their faces.”

Well rest assured, Cassidy is in fact dumb as a post but he somehow managed that leap of deductive brilliance.

And don’t get the idea that these two tabloid giants were alone in this story.  Of course the rest of the celebrity gossip machine jumped in including regurgitated reports, Gossip Cop debunkings, all resulting in a continuous debate about whether Rob was or was not actually doing these women, was or was not stoned and/or drunk, and did or did not ban Kristen from visiting him there in Australia.

Yep, you guessed it.  Time for another cyber eye roll.  It seems bulimia is a epidemic problem with the tabloid press.

Story #3  This will be some version of how Kristen has stepped out on Rob with someone other than Rupert Sanders.  That person will be male (probably over ten, or between 40 and 70 since she has a known penchant for older men [editor’s note: please note the heavy sarcasm here]) probably an actor or other celebrity (possibly Taylor Lautner, James Franko, or other some other Hollywood hunk) and who may likely be involved with one of Kristen’s projects in some way, shape, or form.  Again, despite the lack of supporting evidence, the blogsphere will once again erupt in “once a cheater, always a cheater chanting”, Kristen bashing and hatred, and  generalized chest thumping. Pay particular attention to whomever is cast as Kristen’s love interest in In Focus.

Oh, I really nailed this one including naming one of the principles. There are so many versions of this story that it is almost ridiculous. Everything from veiled articles about Kristen hanging out with Taylor Lautner, to having “hot chemistry with Jim Sturgiss, to flirting with Patrick Swarzenager, to hanging with Rob’s BFF Marcus Foster, to jumping in a mystery man’s arms. Almost to much bull to keep track of.

But even I lacked the imagination of the celebrity gossip machine by missing the Kristen is gay angle of stories that were based on Kristen being sprawled across Katy Perry and Selena Gomez’s laps at the Kid’s Choice Awards, being ever in company of her best friend Scott Taylor Compton, and  being newly chummy with Katy Perry’s assistant,Tamra Natisin.

Without burying you in too many deets, here are the essentials on these stories.  Hollywood Life claimed in a February 14th account that an unnamed, unidentified source “close to Jim Sturgiss” told them exclusively that when Sturgiss came to town for pre-production meetings for The Big Shoe, Jim and Kristen seemed to have “major chemistry, they really seemed to click”. But the source noted that “Jim has a girlfriend and Kristen is back with Rob so it’s totally professional between them right now,” the source added.

Interestingly when picked up and regurgitated Hollywood Life’s story that same day, the ending of that quote mutated considerably. “Jim has a girlfriend and Kristen is back with Rob, so it’s totally professional between them right now, but that could change.  The movie is going to be very sexy and Jim is exactly Kristen’s type so who knows, anything could happen.”

Hmm.  A perceptive reader may be asking themselves at this point how an exclusive source to one gossip rag could end such a quote in two highly divergent ways.  Yep, insert the cyber eye roll once again.

It was a tabloid throw down from the beginning of Patrick Schwarzenegger story.  US Magazine, relying as usual on a unnamed, unidentified source merely reported on February 13th that Kristen attended Taylor Lautner’s bowling alley birthday party and was “living it up” with no particular reference to Patrick other than he was also in attendance.

That same day Hollywood Life’s “exclusive source close to the situation” told them that “Kristen at no time throughout the night was interested in flirting with any guy in the place, she was just having fun with Taylor and his friends”.  But the source added that it looked like Patrick Schwarzenegger had moments throughout the night that looked like he was flirting with her on more than one occasion but that “They didn’t leave together and it seemed as if [Patrick] accepted his lost quest for Kristen.”

Star Magazine, a little late to the game reported on March 6th yet another variation and another source, claiming that “Kristen has been on the prowl” and was seen “flirting up a storm” with Schwarzenegger, “creeping on Patrick big time” at the party. Echoing Star’s report on the same day, Radaronline’s unnamed source upped the ante saying that people at the party told them “they should get a room because the energy between them was so hot.”

Yeah right, cue the eye roll.  Perceptive readers may once again be asking themselves how can so many different versions of the same event be possible? But remember, unbridled by the truth, the celebrity gossip machine is capable of fabricating just about anything it desires.

In the aftermath of the birthday party, Kristen joined Taylor for an afternoon of fun in the batting cases on March 14, but surprisingly did little to claim anything even close to a date.  I half expected to see it described as a double date given the picture below.

Kristen and Taylor on March 14

Kristen and Taylor on March 14

But that failed to materialize as the celebrity gossip machine seemed satisfied to characterize it as a friends day out.  The cynic in me says that they were just bank the episode for future use when they spin a more sinister version of the Taylor and Kristen relationship. Of course that didn’t stop plenty in the blogsphere and on twitter from  going there with suggestions that Tay.lor were or should become a couple.

The Kristen jumps into the arms of a “mystery man” story was screwed up from the beginning when some X17online paparazzi photos of Kristen’s night out the night before the Oscars on February 24th went viral.  For a short time, even Hollywood Life was identifying him as Kristen’s new mystery man, before almost immediately having to backtrack when it realized the man was Rob and Kristen’s gay friend CJ Romero.  London’s Daily Mail didn’t do much better, identifying the guy as Marcus Foster, one of Rob’s BFF’s and a well known singer who used Kristen in his music video in 2011.  You would think a British gossip rag would know a home grown Brit, but again, the facts seemed to have escaped them.  Although, Marcus Foster was within the party of people that Kristen was with that night.

But another person in that entorage, Katy Perry’s assistant, Tamra Natisin, was to become a more immediate source of interest.  Kristen’s venture into lesbianism was proclaimed by that venerable paragon of journalistic excellence, The National Enquirer, in a March 12th article entitled: Is It True What They Are Saying About Kristen Stewart? [Editor’s note:  If tabloids are sayings it, it is highly unlikely to be true]. In the article, the Enquirer claimed that while Rob was away filming in Australia, Kristen found romantic comfort in Katy Perry’s assistant.

“Rob will hit the roof when he sees photos of Kristen and Tamra hanging out together,” predicted an insider. “It’s obvious to all of her friends that there’s a romance brewing between them.”

Quoting from the article: “On March 3, free-spirited Kristen, 22, raised eyebrows by lavishing attention on Tamra at Hollywood’s Hotel Cafe.” “They arrived together and spent the entire night talk­ing to each other, ignoring everyone around them,” revealed their insider. “Af­ter a few hours, they left together. Lately, Kristen and Tamra have been spending all their free time together.”

Meanwhile the Enquirer continued, 26-year-old Pattinson has reportedly banned Kristen from visiting him so he can concentrate on his film project.

But sources say she doesn’t seem to be missing him now that she’s found Tamra, who’s said to be very vocal about equality for same-sex couples and even attended a gay pride rally in the past year.”

Wow.  Yeah.  Insert eye roll again.

The Kristen is gay story probably would have really taken off after Kristen appeared at Tamra’s birthday party which was widely reported.  Only problem was Rob was there with her.

Rounding out the nonsense, late comer starMedia in a web article on March 29 didn’t even try to be subtle even though they didn’t even bother to refer to having a source: “After K-Stew and Rob failed in their intent to work things out in spite of Kristen’s indiscretion, the Twilight Saga actress decided she wanted to experience a new kind of love! Reportedly Kristen has been dating Katy Perry’s assistant Tamra Natisin, who is openly bisexual. They have been seen together several times, close to each other during parties and events.”

Yeah right.  My eye muscles are getting tired. But the tabloid press was tireless in regurgitating these stories and the blogsphere never tired of having a tirade over it.

I surprised they didn’t try to run with a Kristen/Katy Perry hookup after the following pictures from the KCA’s.

at KCA

Story #4  This one will be some version of how Rob has hooked up with some female member of the cast or crew of Rover.  Or, because of the dearth of females roles in the cast, maybe they’ll just drag in an Australian actress (like Emily de Ravin, Emily Browning, Teresa Palmer, or Mia Wasikowaka even if they all happen to be in the United States).  Despite a lack of evidence supporting the story, the blogsphere will once erupt into “Rob is free at last” jubilation, Kristen is not good enough for him bashing, and related nonsense, blah, blah, blah.

Once again, I nailed it.  Within four days! I went to print on January 18th and by January 22nd, Look Magazine was reporting that Rob had made arrangements to meet up with Emilie de Ravin in Australia. Man, that was fast.

Their unidentified, unnamed source purportedly told them that  “Rob and Emilie get on ridiculously well. They stayed in touch after working together, and now Rob’s moving over to her home country their texts and calls have stepped up again. They’ve arranged to meet as soon as possible,”

“Kristen knows that Rob and Em are close and that must have been difficult for her.” the insider added.  “When he mentioned that they might meet up, Kristen flipped. This tipped her over the edge and in turn seems to have made Rob realize their relationship was never going to go back to how it was.”

Yeah, right.  Cue the eye roll, the regurgitation reflex, and the endless chatter on the blogsphere.

Story #5  This one is easy.  Kristen will undoubtedly go to Australia sometime during Rob’s shoot there for Rover although evidence of her visit will be minimal but obvious.  The blogsphere will again erupt into an endless debate about whether she went there because: 1). she was once again pregnant, 2). they had once again reconciled or broke up, 3). they both wanted to go house hunting because they love it there in Australia and have an uncontrollable desire to buy houses, 4). its all for PR, 5). she was was reconnecting with her Australian roots, and/or 6.) Rob was missing her arm pits.  Despite a +10,000 mile +twenty hours flight to get there many will reject the notion that she loves him and just wanted to spend some time with him.

As it turned out, I struck out on this one.  Hey nobody’s perfect. Poor research on my part.  I didn’t realize just how horrid and nasty the middle of no-where is, hundreds of miles from Adelaide. If I had been Rob, I wouldn’t have wanted Kristen to join me either. And after all, I’m sure Kristen didn’t want to crimp Rob’s “style” with all the buxom blondes.  Yeah I’m inserting the eye roll here this time.

But even a no-story was the object of continuous tabloid and blogsphere debate.  Had they split, or would Rob return to her in LA?  Would he skip LA and go directly to London or did he plan an ocean sailing cruise without her.  Was the “trial separation” a breather or was it already over, kept quiet just to sell dvd’s.

Blah. Blah. Blah.  Well we know what happened when he got back.  But that didn’t stop the tabloids and the blogsphere from trying to obscure the truth.

In Conclusion

So there you have it. [Five] Rob & Kristen Stories Waiting to Happen. I think I did pretty well if I say so myself.  And thanks to all of you to help spot these many stories. And there are so many more we didn’t even touch on. And true to form we observed the three basic principles about such tabloid gossip stories over and over again:

1.  They are invariably based on an unnamed, unidentified source.

2. Once released, the content will be regurgitated over and over again by the rest of the celebrity gossip machine even as the story mutates, and

3. There are millions of people who will believe them and go into histrionics even if they aren’t supported by a shred of credible evidence.

By Rob’s birthday I’ll return and discuss my second stab at the crystal ball.  “Seven More BS Rob & Kristen Stories Waiting to Happen.”  You can find these predictions in the blog below.  And I am already doing pretty well on that one to.  In the meantime I need to keep monitoring the web and cataloging those stories.  And rest my eye muscles before my eyes roll right out of my head.

Kristen Stewart’s 23rd Birthday Project


We all love and support Kristen!  I found this and thought it would be a great way for us to show that support!  Hope you will help!

Kristen Stewart’s 23rd Birthday Project.

via Kristen Stewart’s 23rd Birthday Project.

A Must Read

by twilighter

One of the most insightful things I have read in a long time.  This is a must read for anyone who has daughters or who cares about gender equality: See
Kristen Stewart and the infinite sadness: Film actress’s frown turning gender roles upside down by Misty Harris.

Available at

Just an excerpt:

Stewart’s supporters have varyingly described her as an affront to the patriarchy, the victim of sexist double standards, a postmillennial anti-heroine, and as “disrupting gender roles, one blank expression at a time.” The latter remark comes via Vancouver-based blog The Closet Feminist, whose defence of the actress’s Academy Awards appearance has been widely circulated.

“Women are supposed to be a ray of sunshine into everybody’s lives. And if we aren’t, we’re ‘bitches’ or we’re ‘PMS’ing,’” said Emily Yakashiro, the blog’s founder. “(Stewart) does her own thing, and I find it admirable.”

And so do I.


Published on Mar 1, 2013 by kathk9p

Music:  “Stronger (What Doesn’t Kill You)” by Kelly Clarkson

Thank you to my friend, Aly for the inspiration for this video. Just a short video that I threw together in support of Kristen, who gets way too much undeserved hate. Stay strong girl, you have lots of fans supporting you!

“You absolutely despise me and you don’t even know me”

Kristen tumblr

I think that it’s awful when people misinterpret my being uncomfortable as ‘I don’t want to be here.’ It’s really the opposite — I’m too concerned. I absolutely love it so much. I don’t expect to seem cool to everyone; nor do I want to be. I think that’s the opposite of the definition of cool. So I don’t care at all. It’s like, ‘you absolutely despise me and you don’t even know me.’”

Picture and quote from ~~mrpattinson on Tumblr

video by:  FragileCloud

Advice to the Celebrities (and others) That Were Foolish Enough to Criticize Kristen Stewart at The Oscars

How To Succeed In Hollywood By Talent Manager Bruce Edwin

Published February 26, 2013 in News Blaze

22. Don’t trash talk stars!

Don’t be one of those people who goes on gossip tabloid sites or social media, and posts hateful things about stars, or who wastes their life complaining about them to others. I recall one day when a client I had started getting so angry in my office that Kristen Stewart was a star and she wasn’t. She argued with me about her talent, and insisted how she was hotter and more talented than Kristen-she wasn’t, and how that should have been her, not Kristen who was famous, and how Kristen didn’t deserve it. That mindset is so childish and stupid and foolish. For one, Kristen Stewart has been working in the industry since she was a little girl, and worked her way up, and secondly, even if this wanna-be actress was more talented and pretty, and also had a mom who was a casting director-which was not the case, being jealous of others success will get you no where. This girl couldn’t act to save her life, had never even attended an acting class, yet, thought that she was more entitled to fame and fortune than a stranger she had never even met.

Putting attention on fear-fear of not being good enough, fear of never making it, and hate-hatred of others success, hatred of stars, jealousy that they have what you want and they have more and you don’t, will lead to more and more misery. Progress and abundance and success comes from building, not from tearing down.

The universe delivers to us what we put our attention on, and if we put our attention on fear, hate, envy, and jealousy, then we will get more of that back in our life in the form of things to fear, things we hate, things that make us jealous, lack, and misery. However, if we put our minds on love, acceptance, gratitude, and success, then we will get that back.

Stop trying to tear down the rich and famous, and either honor them, or ignore them if you want, but don’t live a life of hatred and jealousy-that is totally lame. I recently saw one post of a geeky girl laughing how she looked younger (and presumably better) than Britney Spears. She didn’t look younger or better. Most in the industry will not want to deal with a hater, or a jealous person. They are not pleasant to be around, so don’t be one!

The other reason not to trash talk stars-aside from you don’t know them, and it’s the wrong thing to do, is, the person you may want to work with could actually give you a chance of working in a film or on a record with them. I once had a client who said how he literally hated a certain company-for political reasons. The film I was working on at the time had a sponsorship from the company, and I had him there to meet a casting director for the film. After telling us about his rant against the company, he was told, OK, forget it, you’re not getting considered for this job, since you hate this company. When ‘Twilight’ castings came up, the girl described above would have been a perfect fit for some of the vampire clan roles. But of course, I was not about to have her considered, and didn’t. She continued with her frustration about Hollywood, and like so many, disappeared, just as did the guy described above.

I once had an actress tell me how she hated a certain celebrity. She got filled with a passionate rage about her hatred of this certain female, yet had no logical reason for it. My conclusion was that she was a closet lesbian and secretly wanted to be with her. Regardless, I told her how my company was actually dealing with her office-which I was. She was shocked, and began trying to back pedal and ended up confessing to me how she kind of really liked her, and that she was hot, but that she found her annoying and she was very jealous of her. Go figure.

If you must, pretend that the Kevin Bacon game is real-it actually is, and everyone in Hollywood is connected to someone who is connected to someone who is eventually down the line-connected to someone you may be talking about. So keep it clean, keep it cool, and keep it positive if you have anything to say about someone. And if you don’t, well then, as the line goes, if you don’t have something good to say about someone, then just don’t say anything at all.

See the entire article here.

I Can Play Their Game

You know, at events like the Oscars, thousands of pictures are shot by countless photographers.  The tabs have their choice of those pictures, but the ones they like to dwell on are the ones where Kristen happens not to be smiling or may be slightly distracted.  Well, I went on line and I would like to share some of the photographs that I found.  I didn’t have to look hard (or for very long).  Tabs would have the photographs brought to them.  The difference is that we each have an agenda.  Theirs is to put Kristen in an unfavorable light.  Mine is to prove they are lying!

Here ya go!

BD9k1ihCAAAq4OT.jpg large

Kristen Oscars2

Kristen 5

Kristen Oscars 4Kristen oscars3

Kristen 8

Kristen 7Kristen 9

Kristen 20Kristen 28     Kristen 32 Kristen 33

Kristen 29

Kristen 30

Kristen 31

kristen 35

Kristen Stewart was struggling beyond belief with her crutches down the red carpet. She would pass along her crutches to a publicist, hop on over to a photo area, and then hobble back to retrieve her crutches. It appeared she was in a bit of pain and probably exhaustion after limping down the 500-foot red carpet.~~Kristyn Burtt of SheKnows Entertainment


All these pictures were easily accessible to tabs and to all the people that hated on Kristen.  They just chose not to use them or see them.  The thing that is amazing to me is that this amazing young woman, not only chose to go to The Oscars, but she did so despite the fact that she had to have been experiencing a considerable amount of pain.  You don’t get an injury like the one she experienced and not have pain.  I think she did a pretty amazing job!  How about you?