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Astronomers Use Hubble Telescope To Catch Trace Of 'Invisible’ Black Hole 5,000 Light-Years Away

Hubble telescope finds an 'invisible’ black hole but is it Albert Einstein whom we should be thanking?
Astronomers Use Hubble Telescope To Catch Trace Of 'Invisible’ Black Hole 5,000 Light-Years Away

Astronomers might have made a discovery that is not only historical but also groundbreaking. The study that informed of this revelation talks about a black hole situated almost 5000 light-years away.

The discovery for the same was made with the Hubble Space Telescope; which has been a boon to scientists, researchers and enthusiasts. So what is this discovery all about? What are the intricacies that have been involved in making this feat achievable? Is science pioneer and game-changer Albert Einstein involved in making this discovery possible?

Back in 2019 a team of astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope famously snapped the first-ever direct image of a black hole in 2019. But many black holes are actually near impossible to detect. Now another team using the same and renowned Hubble Space Telescope have finally found something which has never crossed any mans common eye. The image is of a black hole that is completely invisible. It is pertinent here to note that the team of researchers who came up with this revelation have also noted that the research is yet to be peer reviwed.

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Did Albert Einstein catalyze this one of kind research?

In a study published in the Astrophysical Journal, researchers have elucidated the process they used for completing this search while going on to gratify the works that science frontiersperson Albert Einstein left behind. Figuring out if it was a black hole or a faint star required a lot of work, and that’s where the second type of gravitational lensing observations came in. The authors repeatedly took images with Hubble for six years, measuring how far the star appeared to move as its light was deflected.

The authors of this new research combined two types of gravitational lensing observations in their search for black holes. Eventually, this let them calculate the mass and distance of the object which caused the lensing effect. They concluded by saying that the found black hole was about seven times the mass of our Sun, located about 5,000 light-years away, which sounds far away but is actually relatively close.

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