Dogwood, Flowering
Cornus florida
Cornaceae - Dogwood


Leaves: Opposite; simple; oval; 3" to 6" long; deciduous; leaf veins parallel margin in an arc; entire margin; surfaces hairy; bright green above; paler beneath; petiole short; turning scarlet in fall.

Twigs/buds: Twigs slender; purple; more or less covered with a white, waxy coating; red to purple-red fall color. Terminal bud 1/8" long, 2 scales meet in a straight line without overlapping; flower buds look like small lanterns or urns on branch tips.

Flowers/fruit: Flowers perfect; yellow; inconspicuous; arranged in a 1/2" wide head; surrounded by 4 large showy white or deep pink bracts, 3" to 4" across; appear in early spring before leaves. Fruit a drupe; bright red; about 1/3" long; in compact clusters.

Bark: Thin; dark red-brown; broken into small, square blocks; very distinctive.

Wood: Unimportant; sapwood light pink-brown; heartwood dark brown; hard; heavy; growth rings distinct but not sharply delineated; diffuse-porous; rays visible to naked eye.

General: Native to most of the eastern U.S. A small tree that occurs naturally in the shady understory of other trees. Very shade tolerant.

Landscape Use: A good, small tree widely planted as an ornamental because of its beautiful flowers, good fall color, and ornamental fruit. Sensitive to pollution and not well-adapted to alkaline soils. Worth trying in protected situations, preferably with some shade. I have seen a pink-flowered variety doing well and blooming every year near downtown Logan. Zones 5-9 (many cultivars are of southern origin and will not flower reliably or do well in cold areas; in zones 5 and 6 make sure your tree is from a more northern source).

Cultivars: 'Appalachian Spring', 'Cherokee Brave', 'Cherokee Chief', 'Cherokee Princess', 'Cherokee Sunset', 'Cloud Nine', 'First Lady', 'Pluribracteata', 'Rubra', 'Weaver's White', 'Welch's Bay Beauty'.



Family Cornaceae - Dogwood
Cultivar Availability Yes
Hardiness Zone 5-9
Type Broadleaf
Utah Native No


Growth Rate Low
Mature Height Low
Longevity Medium
Is Good Under Power Lines Yes
Crown Shapes Layered


Bark Yes
Fall Color Yes
Flowers Yes
Foliage Yes
Fruit Yes


Shade High
Salt Medium
Drought Low
Poor Drainage Low
Alkalinity Medium
Transplanting Low