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Serious anxiety that something will be wrong with my baby | BabyCenter
July 2011 Birth Club

Serious anxiety that something will be wrong with my baby

I don’t know if its because im a FTM or what, but does anyone else have anxiety about what your baby will look like or be like ( health wise)? The closer I get to my due date ( now June 26), the more nervous I get that something is wrong with her, or something WILL be wrong. I just want her to be here and be OK. Anyone else feeling this way???

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  • I'm also an FTM, and I'm having the exact same anxiety you are. I'm trying to be relaxed and just let myself be excited over all of this, and while I am of course excited, the thought that something could be wrong is always lurking in the back of my mind. We opted not to do the genetic testing in the beginning b/c we thought if it came back that we had a one in a billion chance of anything I'd worry the rest of the pregnancy. Now I'm thinking I would have worried either way since I'm doing it anyway! I try not to voice this to anyone, DH included, so I'm glad you posted this. I cried myself to sleep one night last weekend with severe anxiety and worry over this exact thing. I don't have advice for you, and I'm sure our babies will be fine...I just wish I could shake the feeling!

  • FTM too. I think it's totally normal. I'm also starting to get bad mom fears. We did get the genetic testing done, but there's still what-if this and what-if that. I just think to myself that perfectly healthy babies are born literally hundreds of times a day. My sisters between them have 4 wonderful, healthy kids. I have two sisters and there's nothing wrong with us. The odds of a healthy baby, with my and my boyfriends family history, greatly outweigh the odds of something being wrong.

    That said...if something is wrong, then there's nothing we can do now. We'll cross that bridge when she comes.

  • This is my second and I feel the same way. With my first I didn't give it a second though, that was almost 8 years ago, but I guess I've seen more and more of what can be wrong and now I can't help but wonder if something will be wrong.

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  • Ugh its so frustrating, but glad to see yall feel the same. I dont tell ANYONE about it, bc i dont want them to think i'd love my baby any less if something were wrong. Now i just wish I wouldve done genetic testing, But even then I would probably still worry.

  • I have the same fears :( I keep waiting for something bad to happen. This is my 2nd and with my 1st I didn't have these thoughts. I had scarey results from my Quad testing and I think thats where all my fear is coming from. I have not even allowed myself to show excitement because I feel like I will jinx it. I hope I start to feel better soon.

  • FTM as well...not really...there is no indication from any test I took or in any of our family history. I recently meet a friend whose kid has autism...he is not the extreme type but I do notice social behavior issue...that may be my only concern. Health wise, I just assume he is fine....can't worry about too much at this point. I do work in hospital and see sick kids...yes, it bothers me but I just look away not to think too much about it...we can't do anything at this point, why stress about it which may lead to some real issue to our babies!

  • Since I'm diabetic, I'm not only worried something might be wrong, but that it'll somehow be my fault. I was crying to dh about it this morning, in fact.
  • I am on #3 now and let me tell you...the worrying never stops. You just have to have faith that everything will turn out as planned. You will be worrying for the rest of your life now, lol. My first two are 3 and 5 now...I still worry about them! My biggest worry right now is my oldest starting kindergarden this year!

  • I'm SOSOSOSOSOSO glad you posted this!!! All I have done is WORRY this entire time. I'm an older FTM and lately people have told me HORROR stories of babies.....I'm just ready for her to get here!! This is probably going to be my only baby just because there is not one thing I have not worried about. Maybe this is God's way of teaching me to put complete faith and hope in Him during this time!!!! And I do that sometimes, but others it is SO hard!!!! Good luck to everyone worrying like me and let's pray that the time flies!!!!!Smile

  • I had major anxiety of the health of my daughter with my first pregancy. I literally worried day in and day out for 9 months but she is perfectly healthy! However, this time my anxiety has turned into that something is wrong with me! Surprised I'm always having weird pains and afraid something is wrong.

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