Apr 13, 2011 · S 542 "Bakewell" was withdrawn by the WAGR in June 1971 (a), together with the majority of the class, and placed in storage at Midland Workshops ...
Nov 27, 2013 · It is displayed with a 4-wheel auxiliary water tanker of the type commonly paired with Fs-class locomotives. Fs542 displayed under a weather ...
The S-class was the first locomotive type to be designed and built in WA and comprised 10 members. S 542 'Bakewell' has been plinthed at East Perth Railway ...
Apr 5, 2011 · S 547 is now stored undercover at the Bellarine Railway's new restoration and storage facility at Lakers Siding, and awaiting future restoration.
The S-class was the first locomotive class to be designed and built in WA, and comprised 10 members. S542 'Bakewell' was plinthed at East Perth Railway Terminal ...
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