Apr 13, 2011 · S 542 built by the West Australian Government Railways at their Midland Workshops in 1943, being the second of ten members the S-class freight ...
Nov 27, 2013 · Fs 452 was built by the North British Locomotive Company as their Builders Number 20087 of 1913 and originally numbered F 398. It was superheated in 1947.
Apr 5, 2011 · This locomotive was built by the West Australian Government Railways at their Midland Workshops in 1947, being the seventh of ten members the S- ...
The S-class was the first locomotive type to be designed and built in WA and comprised 10 members. S 542 'Bakewell' has been plinthed at East Perth Railway ...
The S-class was the first locomotive class to be designed and built in WA, and comprised 10 members. S542 'Bakewell' was plinthed at East Perth Railway Terminal ...
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