democracy in this country. On 10 September 2005 Scott Parkin, a U.S. nonviolence activist concerned with Halliburton, was detained and deported as a result of a ...
Aug 13, 2010 · US activist Scott Parkin had trained and co-ordinated anti-Halliburton protesters in the company's hometown of Houston. The activists ...
On the day before Septemberr 11 last year Parkin was arrested and placed in solitary confinement amidst claims he was a violent activist. He was portrayed in ...
re: Julian Burnside QC on the Scott Parkin Case in Julian Burnside QC on the Scott Parkin Case ... Scott Parkin, has been heartening and effective on many levels.
They demonstrated this by surrounding, arresting and deporting US Halliburton activist Scott Parkin. I have outlined here before my hypothesis that the ...
Submitted by Richard Tonkin on July 18, 2008 - 10:21am. Parkin - Federal Court decision today ... "- Scott Parkin UPDATE: Scott won. left. Richard Tonkin's blog ...
(Scott Parkin comes to mind in 2005.) The book also reminds how Menzies was an admirer of Hitler. After Menzies' 1938 visit to Germany, the Attorney-General ...
Scott Parkin and Halliburton - Update. "The banner reading Mission Accomplished across the top of the Halliburton Watch site might almost be enough to help ...
... Scott Parkin. left. Guest Contributor's blog · 23 comments · Read more. right. [ category: Environment and Resources. ] spacer. Submitted by justin tutty on ...