Haneef was locked up because his mate was a car bomb designerthat was helping UK Jihad. Actually, this reminds me of those photos of Haneef's fridge ...
The AFP made a decision to charge Dr Haneef with one count under section 102.7(2) of the Criminal Code in relation to providing a SIM card to a terrorist ...
On the day of Haneef's arrest the available circumstantial evidence suggested that the doctor was indeed part of such an attack. The AFP were publicly exposed ...
An absolute prohibition against experiments on prisoners of war is contained in the Geneva Conventions, but President George W. Bush stripped war on terror ...
Submitted by Hamish Alcorn on April 1, 2010 - 10:46am. ... The term “Drug War” was invented by the warriors themselves, but it is a very descriptive term and we ...
Nov 22, 2007 · Subjects: Accountability; Razor gang; Experience; Business input; Cost of living; National security and civil liberties; Dr Haneef; Senate; ...
In 2008, many Australians are waiting for the Rudd government to inquire into ASIO, AFP and DPP activities during last year's arrest, detention and deportation ...
May 6, 2009 · Watching the Lateline [1] feature on the torture memos last night, I wondered how Mick Keelty was going to fare.
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All in all, an awful state of affairs for Australia and our democracy. So what is the solution? The way I see it, the various independent online media ...