May 25, 2017 · Methane Hydrates are one of those apparently mythical energy sources that never quite get to commercial production. The Independent reports that ...
Dec 31, 2009 · ... Methane Hydrates May Soon Be Developed. A gas industry using frozen gas hydrates below the seabed off the East Coast could be developed in ...
Feb 14, 2008 · Methane and ethane fall like rain from the sky, forming massive lakes and seas, while complex organic molecules called tholins are believed to ...
Oct 25, 2008 · Here's one for the alternative wind power experiments file - a report from BusinessWeek on an interesting design idea, inspired by the ...
May 2, 2008 · Because PLA plastics are often more expensive than conventional ones, researchers are developing ways to add value to PLA plastics. NEC ...
Jul 7, 2005 · Fueling nuclear reactors with the element thorium instead of uranium could produce half as much radioactive waste and reduce the availability of ...